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Webinar - Compliance Readiness vs. Spreadsheet Exercises
Are manually built deployment plans in spreadsheets compliance ready? Do your release plans match reality? If so, then why do ServiceNow pros struggle with environment inconsistencies? Join this webinar to learn how the latest ServiceNow app synchronizes your instances and automates your compliance readiness.
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Webinar: ServiceNow Platform Engineering: Excessive cloning impacts your business
Feel free to listen to this episode moderated our Head of Product Marketing, Scott Willson, and our Field Technology Officer Robert Huckaby
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Webinar - Obliterate Environment Inconsistencies on ServiceNow
Are you tired of dealing with the infuriating aftermath of flawless development performance only to witness catastrophic breakdowns when deploying to production? Do you yearn for synchronized harmony among your development, test, and production environments? This webinar will teach you how to crush environment inconsistencies and unleash the power of release automation without an ounce of hassle.
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Multi-Environment Visibility
Watch an xtype video showcasing xtype's multi-environment visibility. Quickly see how xtype identifies environment inconsistencies.
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Zurich Insurance Case Study
Zurich, like most companies, has adopted DevOps and Agile methodologies. It became apparent that those principles needed to be applied to their ServiceNow development efforts. However, much of the DevOps tooling and metrics is still focused on file-based architected applications, not platform-built use cases like ServiceNow apps, update sets, plugins, scripts, and more. Zurich began investigating solutions to address their challenges.
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xtype Explainer in a nutshell
If you ever asked yourself what we are doing for ServiceNow platform teams, here we are with a 3min explainer video. Be careful some AHA effects are waiting for you. There is a better way of doing it, and helps to #getyourlifeback
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Controlled Instance Synchronization
xtype provides controlled synchronization that can keep your instances as production-like as possible. Controlled synchronization reduces development and deployment errors, conflicts, and collisions. In this video xtype shows our Deployment Flow editor and how synchronization can be configured for any change propagated forward to QA. A QA deployment will be synchronized back to the non-origination instance. Emphasize customers can configure and control this feature to meet your process and policies.
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Zurich Insurance Testimonial
Zurich, like most companies, has adopted DevOps and Agile methodologies. It became apparent that those principles needed to be applied to their ServiceNow development efforts. However, many of the DevOps tools and metrics these days are still focused on file-based architected applications, not platform-built use cases like ServiceNow update sets, plugins, scripts, apps, and more. Zurich adopted xtype to shrink its growing backlog, deliver value more quickly and shorten its cloning windows.
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Zero-Touch Deployment
xtype Zero-Touch Deployment is the way how you customize the propagation of release payloads. You can customize the environment-to-environment migration of deployments. Each migration forward and synchronization backward can be triggered by click, auto-deploy, or schedule. Migration steps can include customized actions such as approvals and execute automated test frameworks or code scans.
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