xtype resources
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Release Packaging
A quick overview of creating an xtype release package. Native ServiceNow objects such as update sets, records, script execution, and XML files are shown in building the package. The video shows picking and ordering update sets, finding and selecting records, and an application.
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xtype Full Product Demo
xtype provides the ability to meet ANY level of demand from the business on the ServiceNow platform. See in this video how we can achieve this for you.
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Business Value Calculator
Learn how xtype can reduce costs, boost productivity, and improve employee retention. xtype created this tool to help decision-makers understand the impact of xtype to accelerate their ServiceNow business value and reduce their backlog more quickly.
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xtype View Product Demo
xtype View is a purpose-built real-time multi-instance visibility product native to ServiceNow that gives you, in minutes, the ability to spot and remediate any version inconsistencies between any of your instances.
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